Environmental Certifications & Compliance

Meeting the toughest environmental standards! Committed to being earth-friendly. We can prove it.


Committed to a high standard of excellence, Timber Products’ commitment to quality spans more than just our products. We are proud to hold numerous reputable certifications from associations with high standards known and respected around the world.


Timber Products Company’s FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC) certification ensures that our products are made of material sourced from well-managed FSC® certified forest and other controlled sources that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. Implementation of FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC) certification provides for the production of FSC® chain of custody certified products and allows companies to label their FSC® products so consumers can choose products that support responsible forest management. Download certificate.


Sustainability Standard was developed by the Composite Panel Association (CPA) for manufacturers of composite wood or agrifiber-based panels made with particle board, medium density fiberboard (MDF), hardboard, engineered wood siding, and engineered wood trim. The standard includes using the CPA Carbon Calculator to assess the lifecycle and carbon footprint of composite panels made at a particular manufacturing plant. Our Medford Particleboard facility meets this standard. Download certificate.

LEED V4 Credit Support

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. The LEED Credit System is a global-recognized framework for healthy, efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. Timber Products qualifies for LEED Credits in the Low-Emitting Materials Category. Download certificate.

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has set goals for attaining and maintaining healthy air quality, protecting the public from exposure to toxic air contaminants, and providing innovative approaches for complying with air pollution rules and regulations. All Timber Products facilities are CARB-Exempt, and our products meet the stringent CARB Phase 2 emission standards for formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products, including hardwood plywood, particle board and MDF.

UL Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) measures and analyzes the carbon impacts of a product through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). EPDs can be used to compare environmental impacts between different products and can help decision makers select the best products for their projects. Timber Products has EPDs for our hardwood plywood, softwood plywood, softwood veneer, hardwood veneer, particleboard, Spectraboard, and MDF. Timber Products EPDs have the UL EPD certification Mark indicating that UL has independently reviewed and certified the manufacturer’s environmental impact disclosure that constitutes the EPD. For more information about EPDs, visit ul.com/epd.

EPA TSCA Title VI & CARB Certificates

TSCA Title VI / CARB Phase 2 Certificate Corinth Hardwood Plywood03-19-2024Download
TSCA Title VI / CARB Phase 2 Certificate Grants Pass Hardwood Plywood03-07-2024Download
TSCA Title VI / CARB Phase 2 Certificate Medford Hardwood Plywood03-07-2024Download
TSCA Title VI / CARB Phase 2 Certificate Composite Specialties Division Hardwood Plywood03-14-2024Download
TSCA Title VI Certificate Medford Particleboard N-23-13407-19-2023Download
TSCA Title VI Certificate Medford Particleboard N-23-13507-19-2023Download
CANFER Declaration of Certification (All Mills)03-07-2024DOWNLOAD

Safety & Technical Information

Cal Fire Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)05-01-2024Download

Other Environmental Certificates

ECC Timber Products Certificate10-06-2022Download
FSC Chain of Custody09-03-2023Download
LEED Certification Chart Timber Products2-5-2024Download

Environmental Product Declarations

Hardwood Veneer EPD05-01-2023Download
Softwood Veneer EPD05-01-2023Download
FalconPly Hardwood Plywood EPD05-01-2023Download
Softwood Plywood EPD05-01-2023Download
SpectraBoard EPD05-01-2023Download
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) EPD05-01-2023Download
Particleboard EPD05-01-2023Download